Gordian Knot

Sylvia Silvers
2 min readDec 30, 2020
Image credit of @marylong on Freepik

Turn him to any cause of policy,
The Gordian Knot of it he will unloose,
Familiar as his garter

~Shakespeare, Henry V, Act 1 Scene 1. 45–47~

Patrick, my son was struggling for a minute with some string membrane from a piece of melon on his fork. When he asked for my help, I put the melon inside my mouth and ate it.

His mouth was open like he wanted to say “HOW COULD YOU….DO THAT?”

We were laughing, and Silver told him “that was a Gordian knot!”

Have you read the story about Alexander The Great?

What lesson did you learn from it?

Have you experienced something similar? When you face a problem and you spend all the energy on it but no solution is presenting itself, yet you keep trying?

From my experience, when all those knots tied me down and I have no solution, I leave it for a while, take one step back and try to look at it from a different angle or even ask someone else’s help.

Sometimes it is in our mind. We oversee things, and it makes the knots even messier.

2020 seems like giving Gordian knots to most people. They are so drowned in panic situations that it makes them lose direction, and suffer from it.

It’s almost the end of the year, try to step back for a while and see the world from a different angle before entering 2021.

I wish everybody a happier 2021!



Sylvia Silvers

Sylvia Silvers is a love and intimacy coach who works with women entrepreneurs to reconnect with their men, even when the relationship is already cold.